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Cove Heights: The Neighborhood

A “Neighborhood” is defined as physical place. Additionally, within the definition “neighborhoods” are also where “communities”” live and grow.

Those of us who have been owners here at Cove Heights can all appreciate the many benefits we have enjoyed over the years of being part of this neighborhood. Watching our families grow, sharing and experiencing our beautiful surroundings, and enjoying the many amenities we have are all ways we have become neighbors.

Our differences and our interests are all part of our common experience. This means that in order to maintain an environment that we can all enjoy, we must be mindful and respectful of the codes of conduct that make up our by-laws. These by-laws are the expectations  and conditions that we all accepted when we purchased our units and are in place to ensure the mutually satisfying experience for all the owners here at Cove Heights. These are not “static” or unchangeable as they can always be challenged and altered under the rules expressed in those by-laws and require the support of the majority of owners.

Our board are volunteers who wish to assist in the maintenance and improvement of our community. As owners who want to derive the enjoyment of being part of the neighborhood and continue to enjoy the benefits Cove Heights offers, we intend to address those issues that each and every owner might have that is.

Cove Heights Neighbors -welcome to the quarterly, interactive, Cove Heights website!

This website is a communication tool for you to:

  • Stay abreast of community issues and events.
  • Communicate your concerns and interests with the board and with our members.
  • Inform the community of your plans to have renters or guests on the premises to avoid confusion and concerns.
  • Keep other owners informed and aware.

What will this website do?  This website will provide you:

  • A portal to voice your concerns and questions that you would like the board to respond to. Every post will be reviewed by the board and responded to.
  • A portal to communicate who might be using your unit on what dates so that owners can be aware of others using the common areas and being on the grounds who are there legitimate guests/renters. This will reduce the need to interrogate people who are unfamiliar to the community.
  • A portal to access the by-laws, codes for common areas, gates, etc,
  • A communication tool to keep you abreast on on-going projects and progress being made.
  • Reminders of key dates such as upcoming payments.

Please visit this website often and use it to communicate with the board as well as with all of our neighbors. Your concerns matter.

Useful links for our guests